Our dedicated volunteers helping build a stronger community
Adeel Rasheed
Co-head of Marketing
Adeel helps other teams. Create plan that will be used and executed by other teams (events, social media, membership outreach, develop marketing campaigns for different teams)
Amer Haider
Ajmal Mahmood
Head of Membership
Ajmal helps members by increasing the size of the network
Alisha Junaid
Head of Youth Board - Forums, President - OPEN SV Youth Rising Stars
Andaleeb Ahmed
Head of Sponsorships
Andaleeb helps members by raising funding that fuels the org.
Areeba Yasin
Head of Spring Forum, President - OPEN SV Young Professionals
Areeba helps members by creating a networking and learning space
Arif Shamim
Breakfast Mentor
Arif helps members by creating networking opportunities
Asima Khokhar
General Secretary & Governance Officer
Asima helps the org by governance of board and corporate setup
Emman Haider
Head of Spring Forum
Emman helps members by creating a networking and learning space
Fahad Ibrar
Head of Web Content and Maintenance Team
Fahad helps org communicate with the world. helps other teams promote their events
Farhan Younas
Head of Trusted Partner Network (TPN)
Farhan helps members by offering access to each other in a structured manner for more opportunities
Farrukh Jilani
Head of Photography & Videography
Farrukh helps other teams. Onsite photos, videos
Haris Farooq
Head of Brand Identity
Haris helps other teams. One stop shop for brand rules, assets, colors, messages. Works closely with Marketing
Imran Qureshi
Head of Program Administration
Imran reviews plans for clear measurables, time based goals, tasks, that HR can follow up
Junaid Aziz
Head of Marketing
Junaid helps other teams. Create plan that will be used and executed by other teams (events, social media, membership outreach, develop marketing campaigns for different teams)
Mahdi Shahab
Head of Calendar
Mahdi helps members view all events online in a calendar format across various platforms
Mediha Ali
Legal Counsel
Mediha helps the org by ensuring we are legally compliant
Mobashar Yazdani
Mobashar helps the org and other teams by managing accounting and finance for budget and tax
Nadia Khan
Head of Sports Events
Nadia helps members by offering managed sporting events
Naiel Chaudry
Head of Youth Board - Forums
Naveed Sherwani
Head US - Pakistan Liaison
Naveed helps members by promoting programs with Pakistan.
Nazia Chandio
Head of Registration
Nazia helps other teams. One stop shop for offloading event registration
Omar Rahman
Head of Member Research and Analytics Team
Omar helps other teams. Pure analytics. For e.g. member locations, titles, companies, experience, industry etc. Data used by membership team, sponsors, marketing
Rafae Bhatti
Head of Programming Team
Rafae helps members by coordinating events across the year. Other teams execute different events
Raheel Bodla
Head of Volunteer Appreciation
Raheel ensures our volunteers feel valued and recognized for their contributions, fostering a culture of appreciation within the community.
Rehmat Kharal
Head of Career Development
Rehmat helps members find jobs, career enhancement
Saadia Khan
Head of Non - Profit Awareness
Saadia helps members know about orgs and orgs get exposure in community
Sabiha Iqbal
Head of Digital Strategy
Sabiha helps the org with digital strategy driving our digital initiatives to new heights, enhancing our online presence, and engaging our community
Shehram Jamal
AI Transformation Officer
Shehram helps other teams use AI to improve efficiency and effectiveness
Umar Rafi
Head of Success Stories
Umar helps members by inspiring stories about Pakistanis working together. Success is defined as working together
Usman Tariq
Head of Global Programs
Usman helps members by promoting events from global partners. Creates, promotes joint programs with global partners
Zohaib Akmal
Head of Networking Team
Zohaib helps members by creating networking events