We help startups refine their business plans and provide them feedback from a panel of successful entrepreneurs and VCs for their ventures to be successful.
Everything You Want
Get what you need to be successful with your startup.

Business Plan
Make a presentation to clearly show your idea and why you can do it.
- Business Proposal
- Team
- Competition
- Leverage
- Market
- Progress

Participate in events to network with others intersted in entrepreneurship.
- Attend mentorship breakfasts
- Attend succesfull leaders stories session
- Participate in Business Plan reviews
- Participate in Launchpad events
- Volunteer in OPEN organization

launchpad Event
Submit your business plan to
- Have your business plan meet the basic structure
- Have your plan reviewed by VCs
- Get feedback on your plans
- Present your plan to a panel of VCs
- Get feedback on what is lacking
- Potentially get a VC back you up for inventment

Build your Startup
Get valuable information on how to build your startup
- Discuss with peers setting up companies
- Learn about resources on incubation, Angle funding etc.
- Meet people who may want to work with you
- Learn from other people experiences
- Know how to setup your company for investors